Marek Szweda

Master Confucio returns

~ Spiritual channeling ~

The eleventh year, which in today’s process proves to be a year of fertility and healing of the soul, remember this time, it is the last period before the great leap into the higher energies that are now available. Believe it or not, you will experience many changes in your lives from now on – the change will be reflected not only on a physical level, but also on a spiritual and astral level, where you will all be taught new knowledge and techniques that you will discover during specific life situations.

Many of you have already experienced a lot of big changes in your lives – but this is just the beginning, you are just entering new energies, new laws, everything will be told to you, but do not rush. The transition from 11 to 12. Space-time is preceded by waves of vibrations, which gradually prepare you to start asking yourself questions, what is happening? Why is it hapenning? Who I am? Why am I here on planet Earth right now? Why am I experiencing what I’m experiencing and the others are fine ?! These are all questions of a new age, everyone will gradually realize themselves and their own personalities, who have so far only secretly controlled each of you people. It was due to the energies of the shift that until now you perceived mainly the 3D plane, but now it will recede and fall in the laws of 5D – what you knew no longer applies, what you once considered obvious is no longer obvious – learn to work in the current system of laws of change – everything happens now, don’t plan anything, don’t stop at what was, everything happens now and experience everything now. There is no reason to lose your energy in times you are not experiencing. Follow your dream by living right now – that’s your life, enjoy it every second, whether it’s beautiful outside or not, whether you’re disappointed or not. Everything is a part of your life, so experience it with your heart, watch the world change, watch nature speak to you, many messages are coming to you now, just open up and these messages will be heard.

This moment has been given many eons of years ago – I come here to pass on to you a teaching that will show you the right direction to go to know yourself, your divine nature, your life energy, which illuminates your whole personality with information, if you allow it. – be open to what is already in you, you have experienced a lot during your lives, let everything you need to surface and float to the surface of your reality. All you need is to end the old systems, the old patterns that limit you, and prepare to change the energies that surround you and that you constantly use to create your reality.

Many of you have already completed the cycle of life – many masters are here on Earth now, many of you are already working to open up your skills, which they want to use to know life and spread the truth among all people who walk to the light. However, many of you have not yet found the right answers, where to look – I will tell you now – look inside you – look for yourself – why look elsewhere – You yourself are connected to your divine essence – You yourself can ask for a connection with God – The source of everything – be proud that you have decided to come here at this time to lift up humanity and with it Gayia – your mother, who has been with you in this task since your beginning, when you were chosen by God – the Source everything to see if the pure nature of the soul can manifest itself in such a harsh environment as the material worlds – 3D universe, 3D principles of creation, 3D behavior, 3D veil through which almost nothing passes – But now be open, uncover the veil and seek the truth, look for what evokes in you yourself the pleasure of your Soul – look for what will satisfy your mind, look for what has been hidden from you so far – open your eyes to a new world.

I am now incarnating in one of you at this time. I am here with you friends, brothers, sisters, we will seek the truth together!

I am coming here now at this time to be one of those who will contribute to humanity’s knowledge of yourself, we will discover the truth together, one can do nothing, but in the collective consciousness there is a force that moves the whole universe. Choose whether you want to live in a lie and fear, or you want to live right now in a period of discovering the truth and a sense of security in yourself, and you are ready not to be afraid and to spread the truth among your friends.

I have long been prepared for this moment when I can incarnate here on Earth with my experience, with my energies, everything will become part of the whole and if people are open to the truth, then the time to come will surpass all your dreams, your fantasies. , nothing will be as it might seem. You have the power to create, create according to your purest intent, and you will live in a kingdom that is nowhere in the world – only here with you on Earth – Respect what you have here, you have everything you ask for, you have everything here you would like to be grateful for what you have, and you will see the energy that surrounds everything you do, the energy that will make your life your world – but you must have the strength and determination to create this world, the one who doubts and suffers, enjoys in these difficult feelings, which burden his heart and mind, then he calls for nothing but the re-experience of these feelings – the only thing that can overcome these difficulties – so is faith and love in the Source – in God – because everything is part of it – each soul, every stone, every atom, everything is part of everything – therefore when you feel lonely, go inside and connect with your loved ones – no matter how selfish it may seem to you, your intention to connect with someone’s energy is a very strong energy, which travels calmly across entire galaxies, no matter where man p Now it is, You can connect with this person and be with him at that moment, even if not on a physical level. Continue on your journey with this awareness, and you will never feel alone in your lives again.

I have lived many lives here on Earth to be able to rise among the ascended masters, but you also have the opportunity to join us – right now in your lives !!!! Master energies are available to you, everyone is waiting for you to call their names, they are ready to give you strength if your heart asks. You now have the opportunity to become masters here on Earth, become those who influence the direction of history, fix your eyes on the light, see the glow of the Source, which calls you lightworkers who seek the truth and are ready to act independently of your thinking – look inside you, there you will find the truth of yourself, your Soul, which is with you and which always accompanies you – be calm inside and there is nothing that could control your mind, calm your thoughts as you rock a small child, crying stops and Your thoughts calm down and silence reigns, allowing you to get to know yourself.

This would end today’s connection and I believe that soon I will be able to connect with you again and pass on another message of wisdom and truth.


Wisdom for the end

“Our greatest achievement is not that we don’t fall, but that we always get up whenever we fall.”
