Marek Szweda


~ Creativity ~

If you would like to read short poems about life, you can read them below… 😁🐲

I had a dream last night,
where I heard a wise poem…
but I couldn’t keep my discipline…

A few verses here, a few verses there, well…
…in short, to remember it all,
I think only the King could…

But nothing is lost,
for we have a great gift! 🤓🐲

~ Master Bodhidharma - Pearls of Life ~

Drink, man, from the fountain of knowledge,
that brings you the glitter of truth.

A glimmer that shows thee the light of such a light,
that thy sight may become the pure essence of being.

For muses are only muses,
that overshadow thy light.

To be astonished brings thee the light of thy radiance,
that shines through that which should be shone through.

Act as your light shines through.
Fear not and catch up with its light,
for it tells thee truth from the fountain of knowledge.

Wise men wear pearls,
But often the wise themselves become pearls to many.

To be a freethinker is to desire the highest knowledge,
if only men would not stand on its retreat.

What a world the brightness of the highest knowledge would shine through
…with a connection never before seen for pearls.

To be a pearl brings you the pearls of being,
But many look away from afar,
They do not want to become pearls of being, but instead they want to gossip.

But pearls shine as soon as they see it,
then they too will surely then take the role of the Pearl.

The Muse calls to you through its obscure source,
many who have long since extinguished their spring.

Many who feed their flame’s brightness,
But they will be here again.

How can I be without all thy sorrows?
To fall into the abyss!

But the abyss is a mighty wonder,
for it is the path between two interconnected worlds of being.

But whoever passes through its golden centre..,
…the pearl of great price.

It will not only illuminate it with its pearly glow,
…for it is the fountain of the most golden light.

But Truth hides herself so unwillingly,
…that man has come and kept the Truth for the safety of his life.

But a mighty man becomes the king of his light,

He will protect the purity of his fountain with a bright flame.

But he is mighty for his own brightness,

But he knows that all is just so.

For he who puts up obstacles against himself,
…he too is glad to circumvent them.

Drink from the fountains of knowledge,
which the gift of love brings thee.

Love is everywhere in abundance,
but it is enough to awaken that spring with your gaze.

Many a glow you keep aside,
but how much happier you would be with the step you have taken.

To be in harmony with the world is like being a pearl of oblivion,
…which is at the centre of life, and looks on everything with a clear eye.

Marek Szweda

Wisdom for the end

“Becoming a pearl means accepting yourself as a pearl,
for only we determine what we become in our lives.”

Marek Szweda