Marek Szweda


~ Creating your environment ~

It is said that every person should find his favorite place for his rest and relaxation. Many people constantly live their lives in concrete jungles and enclosed spaces and have completely forgotten what nature is, what a fresh breeze is, what the whisper of mother earth is…. The earth offers many pleasures, it’s just always up to us whether we take advantage of them or not.

Here in this article I will give you a glimpse of my own journey to create “my own sacred place” that offers not only me an incredible environment to rest, relax and admire nature itself and all it has to offer. Whether it’s fresh berries, beautiful flowers that sprout from tiny seeds, or flowering shrubs that smell wonderful and we can watch the butterflies play on them in bright colors.

Of course, the path to reach such a place is very challenging. Of course, you may ask, why create something when you can go to the castle park, which is already beautiful and provides people with spaces to relax and to admire nature… Of course! But it is quite another thing to have your own space, harmonized according to your own ideas, containing energy that is just for you and you have the highest right to use it!

The “sacred ground” may look very different for each of you. It can be nature, it can be wellness, it can be rock, it can be home, …

It’s up to you!

Our family has been tending this garden for several generations. I myself spent almost my entire childhood in this garden… and not only my childhood! 🙂 I remember always wanting to mow the garden, even when I was a little kid. We always had fun as a family in this garden, working, barbecuing, playing sports… it’s such an oasis for our souls, indeed! 🙂

This garden is a real treasure for me, not only for the fruits it provides, or that the land itself has a certain value, not at all! It is the emotional attachment and energy that our family, including myself, has put into this garden over many decades through the care we have given it. Once a person finds a place to relax, they will find that they themselves over time will have the desire to change it to their own perfection. He will begin to clean it, he will begin to care for the plants, he will begin to water them, to fertilize them…. He will begin to gradually change or add certain elements that make up the space, he may add a statue, or change the whole landscape… There are many things we can do to prepare this area for our own vision of perfection.

The current transformation of the garden began in 2018, when we decided to revitalize our dingy rock garden, which we really hadn’t cared much about in previous years due to “more important” concerns, and which had really changed quite a bit over the years, requiring a lot of care.

As I have already written, the beginning of the “Garden of Eden” began in 2018, when we jointly completely repaired the rock garden, which had grown over the years, where we have already applied some of the knowledge of applied philosophy and the harmonious and symbolic meaning of the individual elements that make up this rock garden. Of course, we have kept the foundation, which consists of the planted and grown flowers. Of course we have modified them, we have removed the dead parts and left only the healthy ones. We also planted a few new plants, but the biggest part of the transformation was to create the stone part of the rock garden in its centre, where we needed an element of stones, in which of course we placed the Buddha statue.

Our family has been tending this garden for several generations. I myself spent almost my entire childhood in this garden… and not only my childhood! 🙂 I remember always wanting to mow the garden, even when I was a little kid. We always had fun as a family in this garden, working, barbecuing, playing sports… it’s such an oasis for our souls, indeed! 🙂

This garden is a real treasure for me, not only for the fruits it provides, or that the land itself has a certain value, not at all! It is the emotional attachment and energy that our family, including myself, has put into this garden over many decades through the care we have given it. Once a person finds a place to relax, they will find that they themselves over time will have the desire to change it to their own perfection. He will begin to clean it, he will begin to care for the plants, he will begin to water them, to fertilize them…. He will begin to gradually change or add certain elements that make up the space, he may add a statue, or change the whole landscape… There are many things we can do to prepare this area for our own vision of perfection.

After we had a beautiful rock garden, the following spring something remarkable happened to me. My father, as he was alone in the garden, became angry that the gate at the top of the garden would not open into the garden, out of the blue he took a spade and started digging and levelling the whole area by the gate, which “inspired” him to do this. After I went over there with him the next day, we said that to make it look less drab than a straight line, we’d make a sort of wavy line, it would look stylish after all! 🙂 And so we did – see photos. 😉 The wavy line is a symbol of flowing energy, it’s a means to harmonize and strengthen, to direct energy to all places and to connect the outer energy with the inner one. A mere straight line would distort and separate one space from another without the energy dissipating into its surroundings, in short it would travel from one point to another without any influence.


Once we had the arch created by landscaping, we created a zith using concrete shapes that fit together beautifully to create a solid “mound” which we filled with soil and planted strawberries in to create a stunning strawberry avenue. After that, all we had to do was to complete a few aesthetic touches. We trimmed all the greenery, planted new grasses, rooted out the unwanted bushes coming from the neighbouring property, and that was the end of one part of the landscaping, which was immediately followed by another.

Once we started landscaping, we had a straight path to the garden, then we were intrigued by the idea of creating a seating area in the middle of the trees and tees. We judged this to be the absolutely perfect place to have privacy, and also a place where the planned pathway could lead. In short, we wanted to create such a beautiful seating area that would build on the already established surrounding aspects that we had been building.

Once my father and I were in agreement, then all we had to do was pick up a spade, get our wheelbarrows and simply dig and level the terrain into a form that we both agreed was completely flawless. You can see it all in the photos as this work gradually progressed to completion, and then all that was left was to connect the already created path from the entrance gate to just that seating area.

Once the landscaping work was completed, all that was left was to incorporate the fittings so that they formed a kind of “dam” as an edge between the seating area and the ground itself, the terrain. We have used so-called shapes that can be filled with soil and planted with herbs or flowers that enrich the place with bright colours, and also with the aforementioned herbs that can be used for barbecues or just for health.

Once the fittings were in place and everything was ready, we moved on to the final stage of this landscaping phase. My father and I studied how and what to make the best and cheapest solid walkway possible so that we could walk there without getting dirty, and at the same time, make it look “luxurious” in a sense, and so we agreed that the best option was to use the purchased mold for a concrete walkway, which we had a lot of fun playing with, like little kids with sandbox dolls… It was such a throwback to childhood, really! And we filled the remaining space between the molds and the concrete walkway with white pebbles, which beautifully finished all our efforts in this part of our Garden of Eden.

So this is how we proceeded to create our piece of “sacred ground”. You can be inspired, you can just observe. You can go out and find your own piece of sacred ground. Look for it. You’ll find a place where you feel really beautiful, really relaxed. Once you find that place, use your time to be in harmony with all that is, including yourself. Use the outer environment to actively influence the inner environment. There is nothing wrong with this. You don’t have to meditate in places that make you feel bad. That’s not the point at all.

Wisdom for the end

“Everyone should have a piece of ‘sacred’ ground,
where they can relax, lie on the ground or on a chaise longue,
and just enjoy the perfection of life.” 🙂

Marek Szweda